
Top Free Web Hostings For Django Application (100% Free)

Hello Devs, In this article I'm gonna show you the top free best web hostings for your Django Application.

There are many hostings in the market some are paid or some hostings provide you free account or beginner account in which you can host your Django app.

List of Hostings.

1)  Heroku

Heroku is a container-based cloud Platform as a Service (PaaS). We use Heroku to deploy, manage, and scale modern apps. It's is elegant, flexible, and easy to use, offering developers the simplest path to getting their apps to market.

Heroku is completely managed and you can deploy your apps on Heroku very easily it provides the best documentation, so you can't face any problem while deploying your app.

When it comes to pricing heroku provides you four types of Account:-

1) Free and Hobby 

2) Production

3) Advanced 

4) Enterprise

You can choose the free account and deploy up to 5 Apps which is given by no one in the market, Heroku is the best hosting for beginners and students who want to learn and deploy their apps.

If you want to learn how to deploy your Django app on Heroku here is my tutorial

Tutorial:- How to deploy your Django app on Heroku

Create Your Free Account:- Heroku 

2) PythonAnywhere


PythonAnywhere is an online platform which is based on the python programming language, you can host your Django app on PythonAnywhere, it provides you a bash and console and allows you to define the static or media path for your project and it's easy for developers and their project to show static and media files. But you can host only 1 App on PythonAnywhere, there is only one limit but on Heroku, you can host 5 apps. 

Yeah, PythonAnywhere is cheaper than Heroku its hacker account is free and if you want to add a custom domain or host your website so it's the cost is just $5, and Heroku charge 7$ 

Create Your Free Account:-  PythonAnywhere 

3) AWS (Amazon Web Services)


We all know about AWS, it's one of the popular hosting providers for a modern web application, AWS provides a lot's features you can easily host your application on AWS EC2 Window Instance and Elastic Ip or connect your domain through routing.

Free Tier Features:-

1) 750 Hours

2) Amazon S3 5GB Storage

3) 750 Hours

Create Your Free Account:- AWS

and many more there are lots of features in Amazon, yeah but remember one thing it's very costly.

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Shivam Rohilla
Hi, I'm Shivam Rohilla

Hi! My name is Shivam Rohilla. I am a Python Django Developer, and I'm very passionate and dedicated to my work. With 5 years of experience as a professional Python Django Developer.

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